Friday, November 13, 2009

The things Disney can teach you

1.Everything is TOO expensive. Yes, we went to Orlando to see the sights and ride the rides and of course we were not oblivious to the fact that it would be expensive, but goodness me, does a burger really need to cost that much? If it had not been for my very loving family, we would not have been on the trip in the first place, but I did learn that there are plenty of great cheapo spots to go to where you can get knock-off Disney stuff that’s just as good and will fall apart just as easily as whatever you buy at the actual park!!! One great idea…if you buy a bottled drink or a fountain drink…do not throw it away…rinse that sucker out and re-use it as much as you can…there are water fountains, with cool-ish water in them…take advantage of that…you should be drinking water after all that walking anyway!!!
2.Always, no matter what they say, bring your own snacks. As many have seen, if you have looked on my Facebook page, I actually wore a fanny pack on our trip to Epcot and Universal Studios…yeah laugh it up…my shoulders were not killing me by the end of the 12 hour days, so I was happy. Anywho…with this lovely little hipster, I was able to hide little snacks, such as 2 nerd ropes, a miscellaneous Wonka chewy/sour contraption/sunflower seeds and some other anonymous bag of something…can’t remember. The best thing about a fanny pack in these parks, is that they are pretty much looking for weapons when they peek in your bag at the checkpoint before you enter. The guard stuck his little pen in my fanny pack for all of 10 seconds and I was moving on with a small stash of snack for Sloaney Baloney…I’m pretty sure I could have stashed a sandwich in there too. I know for a fact it keep the few bucks I did have safely in my pocket!
3.Wear moleskin or you WILL get monster sized blisters. Silly, silly people, like myself, think that since they are wearing their most comfortable shoes, ones that they wear every freaking day, would not give them blisters. WRONG!!!! I have never felt pain that in my feet, ever. I was offered the wonderful moleskin for my feet hours before I left for the park, but no!!! I resisted and paid the price the rest of the trip! If you are offered…just say yes!
4.Always stay late; no matter how tired you are, if they have fireworks. If you have the luxury of going to Epcot and staying for the 9pm fireworks show, please, please don’t pass it up because you think you are too tired…or you are tired of walking…or you are tired of your family…stay anyway even if it mean you will have stayed at the dang park for 12 hours that day…it doesn’t matter…STAY!!! Once the time comes and you are standing there with you family and you see the tremendous amount of time and money Disney has put into this wonderful display, you will know it was all worth it and it will make your walk back to the car go by quicker.

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